Here is our first in a NEW and EXCITING line of local walks you can explore on your Pack Holiday.

Along with photos en route, our fabulous new (and regular) walk blogs will help you get the absolute most out of your chosen cottage and destination.

Todays walk takes in St Mary’s Church (circular) walk which is around 4.5 miles and evidences some gorgeous countryside, amazing ruins, stunning scenery and an abundance of wildlife!

If you are staying at Herring House, Snowdrop Cottage, Marrams View, Primrose Cottage or Heidi Corner, this walk is perfect for you as its right from your doorsteps!

Start your walk at Low Road. You can access Low Road from Snowdrop, Primrose and Marrams View, by walking to the end of Chapel Road (entrance) and turning right. From Heidi Corner, turn left. From Herring House, turn right out of the cottage and walk down the path where it joins Low Road.

Follow the track past the horses (on your right) and keep on this track till you come to a road (which is on your left). Low Road changes to the name ‘Manor Farm Road’ Carry on straight past the White House (which was a former nursery) and stay on this road (which changes to Back Road).

Veer left to go to St Mary’s Church which is a beautiful spot to spend a bit of time contemplating

To return, head back to where you veered left (above) and carry on straight this time. You will pass through the Burnley Hall Estate.

Road through Burnley Hall Estate

You will reach a large gate, so go through that, and carry on past Honeypot Cottage (which will be on your right hand side).

Stay on the road all the way past the marshlands and you will come to another gate. Here, take the track with the concrete blocks which follow the grass path.

You will come to the farm

Head past the concrete block on the dirt path down through the wooded area until you come to another gate. It’s here that you can often see short eared owls and barn owls flying around as you come out of the gate heading onto the WInterton dunes.

Head onto the Winterton dunes and from here, you can go onto the beach and walk back to Winterton, or you can stay on the dunes and walk through them to return to the cottage

This is a fabulous 4.5 mile walk – unspoilt, very rarely used and perfect for some off-lead work

There is an abundance of local wildlife and very very rarely will you spot another hoooman or dogs!

(Photo credit: Charlene Green)